As of December 2010, in process of updating. Below listings not verified.
Mail Order Companies
listed by Sharon Lovejoy in her books
Below is a list of plant and seeds companies I've listed in the Appendix in Roots, Shoots, Buckets & Boots and other submitted to me for free inclusion..
Be advised that this list is provided as a public service and no compensation is being provided by any of these companies. A listing is not an endorsement or recommendation for the company unless otherwise stated. In August 2001, it came to my attention that Foster and Gallagher, Inc, and all their related seed and nursery facilities were being closed. On January 11, 2002, I was notified that some of their companies were on-line again and links were provided to those sites. Hopefully, they've been successful with whatever problems they had to overcome, and I look forward to their catalogs once again.
While updating this list (September 2001), I discovered Plants by Mail. I encourage you to visit this site for Frequently Asked Questions and consumer responses regarding the various mail order seed companies.
If you have any questions or comments, please don't hesitate to write me at If you find an error or have updated information, please notify me at that same address.
Thanks for your help.
Happy Gardening,
Sharon Lovejoy
city state zip
order phone
customer service ph
web site
"-" equals empty field
1716 Apples Road
Chapin IL 62628
(800) 588-3854
(217) 245-7589
(217) 245-7844
Burpee Gardens
300 Park Avenue
Warminster PA 18991-0001
(800) 888-1447
(800) 487-5530
Cook's Garden
P.O. Box 5010
Hodges SC 29653-5010
(800) 457-9703
(800) 457-9703
(800) 457-9705
Daffodil Mart
30 Irene St.
Torrington CT 06790
(800) ALL-BULB (255-2852)
(800) 420-2852
Dutch Gardens
P.O. Box 200
Adelphia NJ 07710-0200
(800) 818-3861
(800) 775-2852
(732) 780-7720
Edible Landscaping
P.O. Box 77
Afton VA 22920-0077
(800) 524-4156
(804) 361-9134
(804) 361-1916
Ferry-Morse Seeds
P.O. Box 488
Fulton KY 42041-0488
(800) 283-3400
(800) 283-6400
(800) 283-2700
990 Tetherow Road
Williams OR 97544-9599
(541) 846-6963
Garden Medicinals and Culinaries
P.O. Box 320
Earlysville, VA 22936
(434) 964-9113
(434) 973-8717
Offers over 175 varieties of medicinal and culinary herb seeds, roots,
specialty garlics, perennial onions, and select vegetables and flowers.
All seeds are untreated and some are certified organic. Also included
are supplies, books, and equipment for gardeners, herb growers, and
herbalists. Informative Web site with extensive link library of over
250 herb-related sites.
Gardens Alive!
5100 Schenley Place
Lawrenceburg IN 47025
(812) 537-8650
(812) 537-8651
(812) 537-5108
Goodwin Creek Gardens
P.O. Box 83
Williams OR 97544
(800) 846-7359
(541) 846-7357
(541) 846-7357
Gourmet Gardener
8650 College Blvd.
Overland Park KS 66210-1806
(913) 345-0490
(913) 451-2443
Gurney's Seed & Nursery Co.
110 Capital St.
Yankton SD 57079
(800) 806-1972 phone orders
(800) 804-6742 customer service
(800) 340-7793 fax Good effective 1-11-02
Heirloom Old Garden Roses
24062 Riverside Dr. N.E.
St. Paul OR 97137
(503) 538-1576
(503) 538-5902
Catalog $5
Henry Field's Seed & Nursery Co.
415 North Burnett
Shenandoah IA 51602-0001
(605) 665-9391
(605) 665-4491
(605) 665-2601 Good effective 1-11-02
High Country Gardens
2902 Rufina St.
Santa Fe NM 87505-2929
(800) 925-9387
(505) 925-9387
(800) 925-0095 or (505) 438-9552
perennial plants
Johnny's Selected Seeds
1 Foss Hill Rd, RR1 Box 2580
Albion ME 04910-9731
(207) 437-4395
(207) 437-9294
(800) 437-4290 or (207) 437-2165
K. Van Bourgondien & Sons
P.O. Box 1000
Babylon NY 11702-9004
(800) 552-9916
(516) 669-1228
Kids in Bloom: Living History Seeds
P.O. Box 344
Zionsville IN 46077
(317) 290-6996
Liberty Seed Company
P.O. Box 806 (461 Robinson Dr. S.E.)
New Philadelphia OH 44663-0806
(800) 541-6022
(330) 364-1611
(330) 364-6415
Lilypons Water Gardens
6800 Lilypons Rd.
Buckeystown MD 21717-0010
(800) 365-5459
(800) 365-5459
(800) 879-5459
Logee's Greenhouses
141 North St.
Danielson CT 06239
(860) 774-8038
(888) 774-9932
Wood Prairie Farm Maine Potato Catalog
49 Kinney Road
Bridgewater ME 04735
(800) 829-9765
(207) 429-9765
(800) 300-6494
certified organic
McClure & Zimmerman
P.O. Box 368 (108 West Winnebago)
Friesland WI 53935-0368
(800) 883-6998
(800) 692-5864
Milaeger's Garden
4838 Douglas Avenue
Racine WI 53402-2498
(800) 669-9956
(800) 669-9956
(414) 639-1855 Check link for updated info about mail order operation
mail order via Internet only-no catalog
Mountain Valley Growers (One of Sharon's favorites!)
38325 Pepperweed Rd.
Squaw Valley CA 93675
(209) 338-2775
(209) 338-0075
plants only
Natural Gardening Company
217 San Anselmo Avenue
San Anselmo CA 94960
(707) 766-9303
(707) 766-9303
(707) 766-9747
Store Ph (415) 456-5060
Native Seeds/SEARCH
526 N. 4th Avenue
Tucson AZ 85705
(520) 622-5561
(520) 622-5561
(520) 622-5591
Nichols Garden Nursery (One of Sharon's favorites. Only source we've found for walking stick cabbage, also know as walking stick kale as listed in their catalog.)
1190 N. Pacific Highway NE
Albany OR 97321-4580
(541) 928-9280
(541) 928-9280
(800) 231-5306 or (541) 967-8406
Nor' East Miniature Roses, Inc.
P.O. Box 307
Rowley MA 01969-0607
(800) 426-6485
(978) 948-7964
(978) 948-5487
One Green World
28696 South Cramer Road
Molalla OR 97038-8576
(503) 651-3005
(800) 418-9983
Old House Gardens
536 West Third St.
Ann Arbor MI 48103-4957
(734) 995-1486
(734) 995-1687
Heirloom bulbs from 1200s-1940s
Park's Countryside Gardens
1 Parkton Avenue
Greenwood SC 29647-0001
(800) 845-3369
(864) 223-8555
(800) 275-9941
Peaceful Valley Farm Supply
P.O. Box 2209
Grass Valley CA 95945
(530) 272-4769
(530) 272-4794
everything organic, beneficial insects
Pinetree Garden Seeds
Box 300
New Gloucester ME 04260
(207) 926-3400
(888) 52-SEEDS
Redwood City Seed Co.
P.O. Box 361
Redwood City CA 94064
(650) 325-7333
(650) 325-4056
Renee's Garden (One of Sharon's favorites!)
7389 W. Zayante Road
Felton, CA 95018
(888) 880-7228
Richters Herbs
357 Highway 47
Goodwood Ontario, Canada LOC1A0
(905) 640-6677
(905) 640-6641
Ronniger's Seed Potatoes
P. O. Box 1838
Orting WA 98360
handles correspondence by mail only
Seed Savers Exchange
3076 North Winn Road
Decorah IA 52101
(319) 382-5990
Seeds Blum Effective 1-16-01, Seeds Blum is taking a sabbatical. Please check back.
27 Idaho City Stage Road
Boise ID 83716
(208) 338-5658 fax (inactive)
Seeds of Change
P.O. Box 15700
Santa Fe NM 87506-5700
(888) 762-7333
(888) 329-4762
certified organic
Select Seeds
180 Stickney Road
Union CT 06076-4617
(860) 684-9310
(800) 653-3304
Shepherd's Garden Seeds
30 Irene Street
Torrington CT 06790-6658
(860) 482-3638
(860) 482-0532
Sonoma Antique Apple Nursery
4395 Westside Rd.
Healdsburg CA 95448
(707) 433-6420
(707) 433-6479
Southern Exposure Seed Exchange
P.O. Box 460
Mineral, VA 23117
(540) 894-9480
(540) 894-9481
Stokes Seeds Inc.
P.O. Box 548
Buffalo NY 14240-0548
(800) 396-9238
(888) 834-3334
Territorial Seed Company
P.O. Box 157
Cottage Grove OR 97424-0061
(541) 942-9547
(541) 942-9547
(888) 657-3131
Thompson & Morgan
P.O. Box 1308
Jackson NJ 08527-0308
(800) 274-7333
(800) 274-7333
(888) 466-4769
Tomato Growers Supply Company
P.O. Box 2237
Fort Myers FL 33902
(941) 768-1119
(941) 768-1119
(941) 768-3476
Victory Seed Company
P.O. Box 192
Molalla, Oregon 97038
(503)503-829-3126 phone and fax
The Victory Seed Company is a family operated organization working to slow the erosion
of biodiversity by preserving heirloom and open-pollinated seeds by keeping
them available to home gardeners. Visit their web site for news, information, and a secure online
ordering system. A mail-order catalog is available by sending $2.00 (refunded with first order).
Wayside Gardens
1 Garden Lane
Hodges SC 29695-0001
(800) 845-1124
(800) 457-9712
William Tricker, Inc.
7125 Tanglewood Dr.
Independence OH 44131
(800) 524-3492
(216) 524-3491
(216) 524-6688
water gardens